Friday, March 24, 2017

Hoy es el 24 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es viernes.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. 3B: AVSR

¿Comiste la cena anoche?  (Use a D.O.P. to answer this question)

No hay

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Hoy es el 23 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es jueves.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. 3B: AVSR

¿Qué vas a hacer durante la semana que viene?

No hay

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Hoy es el 22 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es miércoles.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. 3B: AVSR

¿Adónde pasaste tiempo anoche?

No hay

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Hoy es el 21 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es martes.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. 3B: AVSR

¿Con quién pasaste tiempo en la cena anoche?

No hay

Monday, March 20, 2017

Hoy es el 20 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es lunes.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Prueba de escuchar y leer
  2. Practice with regular and irregular preterite (conjuguemos)

¿Qué hiciste este fin de semana?

No hay

Friday, March 17, 2017

Hoy es el 17 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es viernes.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Presentational Writing
  2. Practice with regular and irregular preterite (conjuguemos)

¿Con quién pasaste tiempo ayer?

No hay/estudiar para el examen de leer y de escuchar

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Hoy es el 16 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es jueves.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Writing Prep
  2. Practice with regular and irregular preterite (conjuguemos)

¿Adónde fuiste después de las clases ayer?

Terminar el organizador gráfico

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hoy es el 15 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es miércoles.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Prueba: D.O.P/ Irregular Preterite (10 min.)
  2. Practice with regular and irregular preterite (conjuguemos)
  3. Writing Prep

¿Cuál fue tu viaje más interesante? ¿Adónde y con quién fuiste?

No hay

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hoy es el 14 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es martes.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Prueba: D.O.P/ Irregular Preterite
  2. Practice with regular and irregular preterite (conjuguemos)

¿Cuál fue tu día más divertido del mes pasado?  ¿Por qué? ¿Adónde fuiste? ¿Con quién?

No hay

Monday, March 13, 2017

Hoy es el 13 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es lunes.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Irregular preterite
  2. Direct Object Pronouns
  3. CP 3A-7 y 3A-8
  4. GP 101-102
  5. GP 105

¿Qué hiciste este fin de semana?

Terminar la tarea de la clase / estudiar para la prueba de pretérito irregular y los objetos directos

Friday, March 10, 2017

Hoy es el 10 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es viernes.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Irregular preterite
  2. Direct Object Pronouns

¿Qué tuviste que hacer en casa anoche?

No hay

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Hoy es el 9 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es jueves.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Review last night's homework
  2. Irregular preterite
  3. Direct Object Pronouns

¿Con quién estuviste en el almuerzo ayer?

No hay

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Hoy es el 8 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es miércoles.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Review last night's homework
  2. Irregular preterite
  3. Direct Object Pronouns

¿Adónde fuiste el verano pasado?

Actividad 12 en Google Classroom

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Hoy es el 7 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es martes.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Irregular preterite
  2. Direct Object Pronouns

¿Qué hicieron tus amigos y tú el fin de semana pasado?

C.P. 3A-5 y 3A-6

Monday, March 6, 2017

Hoy es el 6 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es lunes.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.

  1. Irregular preterite
  2. Direct Object Pronouns

¿Qué hiciste este fin de semana?

Terminar los apuntes

Friday, March 3, 2017

Hoy es el 3 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es viernes.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.


  1. Prueba de vocabulario
  2. Irregular preterite
  3. Direct Object Pronouns

¿Dónde estuvieron tus padres anoche?

No hay

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Hoy es el 2 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es jueves.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.


  1. Irregular preterite
  2. Direct Object Pronouns

¿Dónde estuviste anoche?

Terminar la tarea de la clase

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hoy es el 1 de marzo del 2017.
Hoy es miércoles.

OBJETIVO: I will communicate about running errands, where people go and what they buy.  I will use irregular preterite verbs and direct object pronouns to talk about things I did and where I did them and to explain why I wasn't able to do certain things.


  1. Review yesterday's work
  2. Irregular preterite

¿Adónde fuiste después de las clases ayer?

No hay